Q: What insurances do you accept?
A: We accept most Medicare, PPO, local HMO, & medical plans, but we are always looking to improve our plans selection so contact our scheduling department to confirm the latest options we have available. We also accept cash pay patients if your insurance is not with us.
Q: What pre-cautions are you taking for COVID-19?
A: In order to maintain a safe environment during these extraordinary times, we have implemented the following:
Universal masking amongst all staff, patients & visitors.
Upon arrival, patients will be screened by history and their temperatures will be taken. Visitors presenting with visible signs or screened for fever/cough will be turned away
6 feet social distancing amongst our waiting room chairs as well as limited amount of patients in the waiting room
Hand sanitizer when entering/exiting our office
Disinfected rooms in-between each of our patients
Limited amount of patients in office per day
HEPA filters to filter bacteria & particles from the air
Telemedicine/Video visits (call office to schedule)
Q: The phone line is busy, what can I do?
A: We want to address your questions as soon as we can, but unfortunately due to COVID, our wait/reply times are taking longer than expected. Other options if you do not want to wait for a live person to answer the phone include:
Leave a voicemail with your name, date of birth, why you are calling, and the best time to reach you at (and at which number).
Call a different office, our offices are interconnected so if one office cannot help, try the other.
Sign up for our portal for secure messages
Q: I'm a new patient, how can I prepare for my appointment?
A: See our new patient check list below:
Make sure you your prior-auth/referral (if needed) is valid and not expired
Please bring your insurance & ID cards with you to your visit
Please fill out our new patient packet/medication list (also available on our website & mailed to you) prior to arriving
Please arrive 15 minutes prior to your visit
Please make sure your medical records are received prior to your visit or bring them with you. (We will attempt to reach out to the referring provider to get them, but it is YOUR responsibility to make sure they are received)
Write down your questions/concerns so we can address them promptly
Q: Do I need a prior-authorization before making an appt?
A: In general, most HMOs & local plans will require an initial prior auth from your primary care physician. Medicare primary & PPOs generally do not. After the initial visit, we will process your follow up visits moving forward, unless it's been a long time since you've been seen (>1 year) and in that case you will need to be re-referred.
For a more accurate answer about your specific plan, please contact our office staff to confirm or call your insurance plan.
Q: What forms of payment does AOMED accept & when do I have to pay?
A: We accept all major credit cards, personal checks, and cash.
Copay, co-insurance, or deductibles are due at time of service, if not paid, the bill will be mailed out to you. If telehealth was conducted, the bill will be mailed out to you.
The cost of the visit will be first billed out to your insurance (if applicable), but ultimately the remaining balance will be your responsibility if not paid for by your insurance.
Q: What if I need to change/cancel my appointment?
A: We ask you call the office or message us through the portal (not email) as soon as you can, but at least 24 hours prior to your visit so we can open up the slot for someone who might be waiting.
Q: Where can I learn more about my disease?
A: Under patient info, we have included a section about "disease info" and "links" to reputable organizations with more information